Only thriving for sovereignty may have a future

Only thriving for sovereignty may have a future

Germany at the end of 2015

by Karl Müller

For quite some time now in Germany, polemics are directed against everything and everybody who emphasises the value of national sovereignty. In recent weeks, this polemic has tremendously increased in pungency. It displays – on the part of the established power politics as well as of some governmental institutions, discriminatory and law-breaking features by word and deed. We must assume that domestically motivated “false flag operations” are being employed as well.
This sharpness, however, is nothing but an unmissable sign of weakness. This becomes obvious if you look at the results of those policies which repeatedly called national sovereignty into question during the past 25 years. The long list of violence and injustice must not again be submitted here.
The polemic against the idea of ​​national sovereignty is therey (deliberately) perverting the concept that distinguishes the striving for national sovereignty.
In his book “Die Souveränität Deutschlands” (The sovereignty of Germany, ISBN 978-3-86445-043-3) published in 2012, Karl Albrecht Schachtschneider explains carfully and profoundly why the pursuit of sovereignty is an indispensable part of the dignity and freedom of man. He begins his writing as follows: “The defense of the nation states’ sovereignty against the post-national world domination is the current occupation of those who refuse to give up the freedom of citizens as human beings. Sovereignty is freedom. Only in constitutional states, democracies and welfare states, which means in republics, it can become reality.”
And the following remarks he concludes: “In case Germany is not sovereign, there will be a different state or a community of states or a person or a group of persons, i.e. any power, ruling Germany.” A politician who does not respect Germany’s sovereignty, does not act “as a representative of the German people. In any case, his policy does not serve the welfare of the German people, does not augment its benefits, but harms it, he neither respects nor does he defend the Constitution and laws of the Federation; he does not exercise his duties conscientiously nor does he practice any justice to all, as his oath of office, evidenced by Article 64, paragraph 2 of the Basic Law in conjunction with Article 56 paragraph 1 of the Basic Law, obliges him to do. Rather, he serves foreign interests. This can no longer be masked.”
These “foreign interests” appear in German politics every day. From TTIP to the Germany’s war deployment in Syria, from the so-called education reform to the redefinition of all fundamental values ​​in communal life. Deconstruction and chaos are on the agenda. Discord and injustice. The lust for power of merely a few. International Governance instead of a free and democratic constitutional state. Market radical profit orientation rather than common good. Incapacitation of the citizen and his and her denigration down to a stupid Homo economicus. Dictatorship instead of democracy. Again, the list is long and terrible.
70 years after the end of World War II as well as the founding of the United Nations and the adoption of its Charter, the imperialistic market radical world trampels on the fundamental achievements of the international community. This must be stopped!
By the way, sovereign nation states were and are, of course, able to conclude international agreements about cross-border international tasks and conclude contracts. They are able to adopt solutions that reflect the will of the peoples involved. Contracts which have equal and sovereign contractors and which are binding, and which follow the principle of good faith – but which can also be terminated and renegotiated if it is the will of the people.
The question remains: why is there such a poignant polemic against the idea of ​national sovereignty and the people who want it. The equation national sovereignty equals nationalism, chauvinism and racism equals injustice, violence and discord has never been an all-inclusive truth. However, national sovereignty, self-determination and equality of sovereign nation states disturb international relations and international politics, in case someone wants to create and dominate entire continents or even the whole world according to his ideas – for whatever reasons and whatever purpose: ideological, material or power political.
The full sovereignty of a country like Germany cannot be achieved overnight. But every citizen is called upon contributing to put things on the right track for the future of his or her country.     •

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