Building bridges wherever possible

Building bridges wherever possible

Willy Wimmer “Die Akte Moskau” (The Moscow File)

by Wolfgang van Biezen

To understand this unique history book in its diversity, it is helpful to remember the former British and now Anglo-American geostrategy for the European continent.
After the foundation of the German Empire in 1871 after the German-French War and the Prussian’s victory, the European balance of power got considerably mixed up. The British elites faced a threatening of their predomination and their trade routes to India. Historically proven since 1887 is the up to now valid geo strategical doctrine: Germany and Russia are not allowed to ally.    
The First World War granted the world a new imperium. Since the British trade route and the American oil transport route in large parts were congruent, the new imperium readily participated in the experience of the British Empire 500 year lasting colonialisation. This unholy alliance persists until today.
After the First World War, the political systems on the European mainland and their territories were thoroughly destroyed. Three empires vanished. The Austro-Hungarian Monarchy was chopped up, Russia did not receive its promised reward – the access to the Mediterranean Sea. Instead it was drowned by revolutionary chaos, and Germany underwent a political humiliation and economical fragmentation by the “Contract of Versailles”. The victorious powers of the west – USA, England, and France – rearranged the continent. In the period between the world wars the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact (between Hitler and Stalin) was not really a constructive connection between Germany and Russia. The Second World War granted Europe new borders and an Iron Curtain dividing Germany. From both sides of the curtain the atomic powers USA and USSR faced each other.

Hardened fronts during the Cold War

After World War 2, each citizen, each family in the Federal Republic of Germany (FRG) and German Democratic Republic (GDR) had to deal with the Cold War while reconstructing Western respective Eastern Germany. The Building of the Berlin Wall cemented the geo-strategical reality for the citizens of both republics. The fronts were hardened. Media on both sides of the curtain operated the propaganda machinery by all available means. Nevertheless or maybe because of that it was a great pleasure, when the reunification hit Germany in a flush. Church renitence, Monday-demonstrations, “We are the people”, the fall of the Wall, the sellout of the GDR, the setting in of a disillusion – all these things developed in such a rapid pace, that only now, after 25 years the process of coming to terms with it can start. “Die Akte Moskau” provides an insight into the historical context, which normally are accessible only by laborious reviewing of documents.
Willy Wimmer (born in 1943) grew up in the part of Germany under American influence, and he is a Christian and a Democrat. He was an active member of the CDU (Christian Democratic Union of Germany) in the German “Bundestag” for more than 30 years. He served as vice president of the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly, and as an undersecretary of the Federal Ministry of Defense, he was not only a contemporary witness but also an actor in the process of the German reunification. He was given the task of integrating the Bundeswehr of Western Germany and the NVA (National People’s Army) of Eastern Germany, who  opposed each other as hostile and atomic armies before the time of reunification, into an alliance of defense. He set the world on fire here, especially built bridges wherever possible – and quite often against considerable resistance within his own government and administration.

As the representative of the federal government in the eye of the tornado

At the time of “The Turnaround”, as a representative of the Federal Government, he was, so to speak, in the eye of the tornado, and thanks to his position, but also to his personality, we know today that behind the official agenda there is another one existing. He was unable to reconcile the NATO exercise Wintex/Cimex with his conscience, an exercise, which simulated the fact that US atomic bombs were to be thrown down to cities of the eastern part of Germany (albeit only by way of practice), and with the approval of Federal Chancellor Helmut Kohl, he put a stop to the the German part of this NATO exercise. The US representatives were not yet accustomed to this type of disobedience of one of their coalition partners.
After this crucial experience, Willy Wimmer noticed a lot of other oddities. Even before the reunification in 1988, official visits to the White House in Washington and, unexpectedly, also in the CIA headquarter in Langley, showed him who was pulling the strings in Europe. At time even he, who had some geopolitical experience, was holding his breath. Like when he had to see how, as early as 1988, a new and modern Soviet constitution including civil rights like freedom of speech and religious freedom was worked out in a White House briefing. Another time, Willy Wimmer witnessed the preparation of the agenda for the Central Committee of the CPSU (Communist Party of the Soviet Union), also in the White House. In addition, there were serious considerations if (Western) Europe should still be run as a Condominium of the USA and the USSR. In the same year, in Langley, the CIA headquarter, of all places, he was told that, since the end of World War II, the Soviets in Central Europe were lined up in a purely defensive manner and that their proceedings were exclusively defensive, serving exclusively the protection of “Mother Russia”, as the instructing CIA official pointed out almost tenderly. Of course, such reports created a flurry of activity in Bonn’s government circles since the possible consequences could not be overseen and were threatening to get out of control.
Such experiences with the US American agenda, however, are giving us food for thought, also because they demonstrate that Western Europe, the EU and particularly Germany are far from any sovereignty. The Empire, as Daniele Ganser is calling the US in his latest book “Illegale Kriege” [illegal wars], is controlling events on the Continent.

After 1990, the time for real disarmament had come

In his book, Willy Wimmer points out that, after the breakdown of the USSR, the time for real disarmament had come. Even more since politicians like Mikhail Gorbachev were signaling that they were serious about the reunification. As had been negotiated, the Russian troops were withdrawn from Germany and the West promised several times not to extend NATO towards the East. The Warsaw Pact was dissolved.
Willy Wimmer spoke to the commanders of NVA battalions, spoke to Russian military officials in the GDR, was received as a human being and listened to the cares and concerns of mothers and fathers who happened to be soldiers and feared for their existence. With them and his superiors he was looking for solutions in this highly complicated and unprecedented situation. The following became clear on both sides of the “Iron Curtain”:
People are longing for peace and it would have made sense to also dissolve NATO for obsolescence. But the US military-industrial complex decided otherwise. Instead, the (NATO) defense alliance was transformed into an aggressive alliance; NATO was extended as far as the border of the Russian Federation, even though the states were aware that NATO’s current progress reminded Russia of the times of Hitler and Napoleon. This historical experience was deeply engraved into the Russian collective memory, as a CIA official told Willy Wimmer. Why then this demonstration of power?
The frantic call “No more war from German soil!”, resulting from the catastrophic experiences both from World War I and the 55 million victims of World War II, was true for both German states. But a Red-Green Federal Government made a farce of it with lies and false appeals to humanity. Since the war in Yugoslavia, Germany is at war again.

Since the Yugoslavian War, Germany is at war again

And the real big war is in preparation. The situation is serious, if we tend to believe George Friedman, formerly of the Stratfor Institute, consultant in issues of war for the still acting President Barack Obama. The further development on the Continent depends on the Germans. A press brought in line is lulling Europe’s citizens into a false sense of security. But the US know what they are doing.
Willy Wimmer’s book is no easy reading, but it should be read, and it makes the reader to reflect if this planet really needs a power telling the rest of the planet how it should live. Who says that this Europe cannot take its fate in its own hands? Who says that this Europe cannot be sovereign? Who says that Europe cannot survive without a hegemon? Or should we join Rolf Hochhut’s demand: “Abolish NATO!”
Don’t we think that the time has come to start working towards Europe and Russia doing commerce on an equal basis, peacefully, sovereign and for the benefit of all their citizens and to jointly develop the Continent which has got so much culture, technology, science and resources?    •

(Kopie 1)

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Zeitpunkt für eine echte Abrüstung war nach 1990 eigentlich gekommen

Willy Wimmer macht in seinem Buch deutlich, dass mit dem Zusammenbruch der UdSSR eigentlich der Zeitpunkt für eine echte Abrüstung gekommen war. Zumal ­Politiker wie Michail Gorbatschow signalisierten, dass es ernst sei mit der Wiedervereinigung. Die russischen Truppen wurden, wie besprochen, aus Deutschland abgezogen, und der Westen versprach mehrmals, die Nato nicht weiter nach Osten auszudehnen. Der Warschauer Pakt wurde aufgelöst.
Willy Wimmer sprach mit den Kommandanten der Bataillone der NVA, redete mit russischen Militärs in der DDR, wurde als Mensch empfangen und hörte sich die Sorgen und Nöte von Müttern und Vätern an, die zufällig Soldaten waren und um ihre Existenz bangten. Er suchte mit ihnen oder seinen Vorgesetzten nach Lösungen in dieser vielfach komplizierten und beispiellosen Situation. Auf beiden Seiten des «Eisernen Vorhangs» wurde folgendes deutlich:
Die Menschen sehnen sich nach Frieden, und sinnvollerweise hätte damals die Nato als obsolet ebenfalls aufgelöst gehört. Doch der militärisch-industrielle Komplex der USA entschied (bereits 1988) anders. Statt dessen entstand aus einem (Nato)-Defensivbündnis ein Angriffsbündnis, die Nato wurde in Osteuropa bis direkt an die Grenze der Russischen Föderation ausgeweitet, obwohl man sich in den Staaten bewusst ist, dass Russ­land der gegenwärtige Vormarsch der Nato an die Zeiten von Hitler und Napoleon erinnert. Die historische Erfahrung sei tief im kollektiven Gedächtnis der Russen eingeprägt, so der Beamte der CIA zu Willy Wimmer. Wozu dann diese Machtdemonstration?
Der verzweifelte Ruf «Nie wieder Krieg von deutschem Boden!», welcher auf Grund der katastrophalen Erfahrungen sowohl des Ersten Weltkrieges als auch der 55 Millionen Toten des Zweiten Weltkrieges erscholl und der für beide deutsche Staaten galt, wurde ausgerechnet von einer rot-grünen Bundesregierung mit Lügen und falschen Appellen an die Menschlichkeit seines Ernstes beraubt. Seit dem Jugoslawien-Krieg ist Deutschland wieder im Krieg.

Seit dem Jugoslawienkrieg ist Deutschland wieder im Krieg

Und der ganz grosse Krieg ist in Vorbereitung. Die Lage ist ernst, wenn man George Friedman, ehemals Stratfor-Institute, Berater in Kriegsfragen des noch amtierenden Präsidents Barack Obama, glauben darf. Es hänge von den Deutschen ab, wie sich die Lage auf dem Kontinent entwickle. Eine gleichgeschaltete Presse wiegt die Bürger Europas in Sicherheit. Doch die USA wissen, was sie tun.
Das Buch von Willy Wimmer ist wahrhaftig keine leichte, aber trotzdem eine Pflichtlektüre, und es zwingt den Leser förmlich, darüber nachzudenken, ob es auf diesem Planeten wirklich eine Macht braucht, die dem Rest der Welt Anweisungen erteilt, wie man zu leben hat. Wo steht geschrieben, dass Eu­ropa seine Geschicke nicht selbst in die Hand nehmen kann? Wo steht geschrieben, dass dieses Europa nicht souverän sein darf? Wo steht geschrieben, dass Europa ohne einen Hegemon nicht überlebensfähig ist? Oder schliessen wir uns der Forderung von Rolf Hochhut an: «Schafft die Nato ab!»
Ist die Zeit nicht gekommen, daran zu arbeiten, dass Europa und Russland endlich auf gleicher Augenhöhe, friedlich, souverän und zum Wohle ihrer Bürger Handel treiben und den Kontinent, der so viel an Kultur, Technik, Wissenschaft und Ressourcen zur Verfügung hat, gemeinsam weiterentwickeln?    •

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