Letter to parents Autumn 2016
mw. In summer 2014, some parents worried much about the basic rebuilding of school, and they wrote and distributed their first letter to parents.
In the following two and a half years a lot has happened. The letter to parents has met a great response from parents and grandparents, from teachers and other interested citizens, and many of them also like to take part in the regular meetings. Many people want to help stopping reforms that are problematic for the future of our youth: A curriculum leading away from a good education in teacher-led and community-promoting class teaching; teaching materials and weekly schedules, which can be worked out by children who are left alone in “self-organized learning (SOL)” without understanding the content; a lot of googling and little founded knowledge; parents who are at a loss concerning the homework of their children and have to spend a lot of time in the preparation of material which is actually part of the school; a missing structure of the necessary foundations in all school subjects – and much more.
In most of the German speaking/Swiss cantons, popular initiatives were taken against Curriculum 21 and/or for only one foreign language at primary school. Even though individual cantonal initiatives have been rejected in popular elections: our commitment to a school that fulfills the educational task of the cantonal constitutions and school laws and prepares our next generations for their later life in family, in profession and as citizen must go on. We have to owe this to our youth.
With the aim to get in touch with many other parents and to expand the existing circle, some parents have assembled again to discuss and write a second letter to parents. In addition to the references to the various cantonal education initiatives they explain why they want a school without Curriculum 21 and what the Swiss school and teachers have to do. Furthermore good books and studies with new scientific knowledge are recommended, which the “experts” of the EDK and the cantonal school administrations do not want to take note of. Several very thoughtful examples from today’s school day round off the letter to parents. •
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