Press release committee “Yes to a good education – No to Curriculum 21”
Until now, the teachers of the Canton of Aargau have been unable to voice their opinion on the reforms announced for Curriculum 21. There had never been a debate with those affected. Apart from a short consultation, the “Aargauischer Lehrerinnen- und Lehrerverband” (Aargau Teachers’ Association, alv), intend on speaking for all of the teaching personnel, didn’t facilitate a broader discussion. Instead, alv entered a cooperation with the Department of Education, Culture and Sports (BKS) and tried to bring all teaching personnel into line. This process can be observed in other cantons as well.
Alv also tries to prevent a critical discussion in its “Schulblatt” (school paper). Although the vote about our education initiative doesn’t take place until 12 February 2017, the BKS holds so-called “informational events” in order to achieve the homogenisation of opinions. As a committee working in a direct democracy, we wanted to counter this highly questionable practice.
For that very reason, we initiated - among other activities – a teacher survey. For it’s the teaching personnel that is confronted with those issues on a daily basis and has to work with the new Curriculum that cements reforms, but still has to implement it into their daily work.
The email addresses for the teaching personnel were legally acquired by internet search. While it is tedious work, it provides autonomous access to the canton’s teachers.
The survey’s results are sensational! More than 1,200 teachers (out of 6,000) participated in the anonymous survey. However, it’s to be noted that a lot of them were probably intimidated by alv and BKS in order to keep them from answering the survey. Both of those cooperations reacted to our request rather quickly and warned to participate in our survey.
The evaluation of the results was done externally by a survey tool that was developed by an eastern Swiss student of the ETH Zurich. It’s successfully run from a Swiss based server.
The results can be summarised as follows (see diagrammes):
Except for question 1, all other questions focus on central elements of Curriculum 21. In voting for the initiative “Yes to a good education – No to Curriculum 21”, Curriculum 21 couldn’t be put into effect.
With our new proposal for a paragraph to be signed into law, we demand separately taught subjects (and only one foreign language taught in primary school!) and precise annual goals instead of learning cycles. In vital papers concerning Curriculum 21, written and approved by the Swiss Conference of Cantonal Ministers of Education (EDK), “self-organised learning is propagated and the teacher is downgraded to a mere “learning coach”.
In summary, the majority of teachers in the Canton of Aargau is supportive of our initiative’s essential parts and takes a stand against Curriculum 21.
For the initiative’s committee
(Translation Current Concerns)
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