rl. Is Donald Trump a monster? Is everyone who speaks skeptically on immigration policy, “right-wing”? Is Putin a “dictator”? Are messages contradicting the official political guidelines all “fake news”, or “post-factual”?
Certainly not. And anyone who uses a bit of his own mind has noticed early that there is a powerful cheap propaganda going on. Almost impertinent for some time.
Before political decisions that intervene in people’s lives, – but often contradict their actual interests –, blatant lies must be applied as you know. Let’s think of prewar times or – more common – election campaigns.
Without targeted propaganda, without running down the “enemy”, without cheap propaganda, no drastic measures could be carried out. That would not work without active participation of leading media and public figures.
For the citizens, the sovereign, it is more and more demanding to form a point of view in the jungle of opinion-mongering: messages are often unobjective, or they have a spin. The reader finds himself increasingly in a swamp of emotive messages on the same topic, especially if a so-called “opinion carpet” is created. The media as a fourth power in the State.
Of over 3,000 different newspapers only a handful of publishing houses remain in Switzerland. The pluralism of opinion has become narrow. Also, these newspapers are under economic pressure. The readership figures break down massively. Ads appear less. Profits are decreasing. The dependence of each advertiser is stronger. The knowledge that due to financial dependencies, reports can appear or not doesn’t increase the seriousness nor the fact that editorial offices have been merged, editors saved away or messages are taken over from news agencies and monopolies as ap, afp, or Bloomberg without question. “Investigative” journalism only takes place if topic and political alignment are “correct”. Due to its political connections, the state-owned radio channel SRF (Swiss Radio and TV) rarely offers a real alternative. On the contrary. So it is no surprise that citizens increasingly rely on the internet.
With Brexit and the election of Donald Trump the influence of leading media was questioned. They didn‘t manage to push through “their” position. Now, they are continuing on the “outdated” positions – with even greater vehemence. Why? Are they so dependent on specific lobbying groups as Uwe Krüger has worked out in a scientific study (“Meinungsmacht. Der Einfluss von Eliten auf Leitmedien und Alpha-Journalisten – eine kritische Netzwerkanalyse.” Cologne 2013, ISBN 978-3-86962-070- 1)? In a large-scale analysis he has proven that editors and publisher are closely involved in transatlantic networks. He demonstrates this through the membership or participation in the “Atlantik-Brücke” or the “Bilderberger”. Here he examines the staff of “leading media” as Die Zeit, “Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung”, or Der Spiegel. In 2014 the journalist Udo Ulfkotte who had worked for ten years as a journalist for the “Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung” confirmed this close connection to stipulations, in particular from the US-policy (“Gekaufte Journalisten. Wie Politiker, Geheimdienste und Hochfinanz Deutschlands Massenmedien lenken.” Rottenburg 2014. ISBN 978-3-86445-143-0). It is now known that there is a specific group of power within the United States that sets the tone in the media. The european “Transatlanticists” are obviously part of this power struggle and actively bring this conflict into the countries of Europe. •
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