Politics going over everybody’s head

Politics going over everybody’s head

With its hasty approval of the UN migration pact, the Bundesrat is losing its grip on reality

rt. The Federal Council approved the UN Migration Pact. The interested reader was informed of this on the FDFA’s homepage (10 October 2018)1. It states that the interdepartmental IMZ structure [international migration cooperation] had previously been commissioned to continue the analysis of the domestic and foreign policy effects. This analysis had shown that the migration pact corresponded to Switzerland’s interests in the field of migration. The treaty is not binding, but it will be adhered to politically. Now, domestically, there is resistance to the detached approach of the Federal Council.

Orwellian Newspeak

For anyone who reads the treaty2 wonders what “interests of Switzerland” the Federal Council actually meant when it speaks of “interests of Switzerland”. If one omits the diplomatic wording, almost reminiscent of Orwellian Newspeak, when reading the treaty, it becomes clear that the treaty aims at an unhindered right of immigration for all people from all countries. Not only for refugees or asylum seekers, but for everyone, worldwide. Migration movements should be actively supported by all states. Immigrants and those passing through should be cleared of obstacles and their arrival should be accompanied positively by the media. There should be a right to settle wherever one wants.3

Democratic rights are ignored

For reasons of state sovereignty, Austria, Australia, Poland, the USA, Hungary, the Czech Republic, Croatia and many other states have already signalled that they will not sign such a treaty. The treaty interferes too deeply with the democratic rights of the population in the individual countries. It is no longer the population that determines the laws of their coexistence, but the laws are predetermined by a “review forum on international migration and other relevant fora”.4 In addition, the treaty intervenes very extensively in domestic policy areas that are subject to the shaping of the population in the respective states (social legislation5, criminal law provisions on freedom of expression6, data protection7, etc.). Andreas Büchi, Editor-in-Chief of the “Beobachter”, is not wrong to state that “waving through such a far-reaching agreement without the consent of at least Parliament or even the people is dangerous ideological coercion. Fears are growing in many European countries, but also in Switzerland, that the state will soon have too few resources to fulfil social agreements with its own people. In this situation signing a treaty where the implementation lacks realistic implementation plans and broad-based approval in the target countries is water on the mill of furious populist movements.”8

“Advantages of regulated migration“

What are “Swiss interests” in such a contract supposed to be? Who exactly has an “interest” in it? We do remember: Right at the beginning, the mass immigration in 2015 was very much welcomed by a leading member of the Deutsche Bank as well as the Prince of Liechtenstein who is actively investing. From the point of view of a globalised economy, of course, this treaty makes sense. Young and/or trained workers can easily be headhunted from abroad without bearing the training costs incurred. At the same time wages and working conditions in the country of production can be reduced by a targeted influx of labour, and the state, i.e. the taxpayer, pays the resulting social costs of migration movements.

Migration is not voluntary

The other side of the coin is blanked out from the debate: Most rarely, “migration” is not voluntary but caused by war, economic hardship, or political oppression. Statistics show that migration itself affects almost one per cent of the world’s population.9 It is not a human need. For the people affected, it is a hard fate, as you can see if  you take a closer look at the causes.

  • Many wars and civil wars that lead to migration are caused by Western states and have partly destroyed societies that had high educational and social standards (e.g. Iraq, Syria, Libya), or are rich in natural resources (e.g. Congo, Sudan), or are simply of strategic interest (e.g. Afghanistan).
  • The economic causes of the migration include the increasing land grabbing by foreign corporations or states with the help of corrupt local elites. Local farmers or shepherds are expelled. In the meantime, the area “stolen” in this way has grown to the size of Europe. Much of the land is in Africa.
  • The destruction of domestic economies by so-called “free trade agreements” (globalisation). The independent development of different branches of the economy is prevented through various treaties.
  • The plundering of resources (e.g. raw materials or fishing grounds, for example off the coast of Africa) without the local population having a share of the profits.
  • The so-called brain drain: the costly trained young workers and university graduates are coaxed (e.g. doctors from Ukraine, Belarus, etc.). They are missing in the development of their own country.10

Why not tackle the causes?

These causes are covered up in the UN global migration pact with beautiful general phrases. Concrete steps to combat the above-mentioned causes are not mentioned. The reader stands under the impression that it neither was the focus of the pact formulated by high officials from the UN apparatus. Instead of channeling uprooted people through foreign countries and cultures to become cheap labourers, the causes of wars could be fought or the negative effects of globalisation be limited so that people can live in peace in their own countries.
It is not surprising that the treaty is, inter alia, supported by the active multi-billionaire and stock market speculator, George Soros. We do remember that offshoots of the Soros Foundation had welcomed the mass immigration via the Balkan route in 2015 and called for a new immigration policy.11
In Germany, the wave of illegal mass immigration in 2015 led to greater social upheaval, uncertainty in the legal culture, political radicalisation and increased criminal assault.
Now, what are Switzerland’s “interests” supposed to be? How did the Federal Council repeatedly agree to international treaties (international law!) without public discussion, treaties obviously contradict the concerns of the population?    •

1    cf. <link https: www.eda.admin.ch eda de home aktuell informationen-deseda.html content meta news>www.eda.admin.ch/eda/de/home/aktuell/informationen-deseda.html/content/eda/de/meta/news/2018/10/10/72452, download 10/25/2018
2    Source: <link http: www.un.org depts german migration>www.un.org/depts/german/migration/A.CONF.231.3.pdf?fbclid=IwAR1n1FJx5rvoOZCt0qehR3M-iqF42W2W23_ixmXtnojXyGbIs3xxQNk9hFQ, as of July 30, 2018
3    loc. cit. para. 21, 22, 23
4    loc. cit., par. 48.a-e.
5    loc. cit., para. 31a-f
6    loc. cit., para. 33a-g
7    loc. cit., para. 17, para. 19
8    cf. “Beobachter” <link https: www.beobachter.ch migration migrationspakt-nicht-voreilig-unterschreiben>www.beobachter.ch/migration/migrationspakt-nicht-voreilig-unterschreiben  of 10/19/2018
9    Hofbauer, Hannes. Criticism of migration. Who profiles and who loses. Vienna 2018, p. 18
10    cf. Hofbauer, loc. cit.
11    Beck, Friederike. The secret migration agenda. 2016, p. 253

Draft outcome document of the Conference Intergovernmental Conference to Adopt the “Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration” on 10 and 11 December 2018 in Marrakech (Morocco) – excerpts

cc. The following excerpts from the draft of a “Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration” (as of 30 July 2018) are an attempt to give a first impression of the content and language of the planned UN document. The document tries to meet different, even conflicting demands. However, the fact that this important document has so far hardly been publicly discussed, let alone fully acknowledged, is a scandal for democratic states. It will have an impact on the daily lives of each and every one of us. The document contains so many important details that require a broad debate. These excerpts too can only give a first impression and call for the whole text to be studied and discussed.

“Our vision and guiding principles

[…] Migration has been part of the human experience throughout history, and we recognize that it is a source of prosperity, innovation and sustainable development in our globalized world, and that these positive impacts can be optimized by improving migration governance. […]

Common understanding

[…] We learned that migration is a defining feature of our globalized world, connecting societies within and across all regions, making us all countries of origin, transit and destination. […] We […] must provide all our citizens with access to objective, evidence-based, clear information about the benefits and challenges of migration, with a view to dispelling misleading narratives that generate negative perceptions of migrants.

Shared responsibilities

[…] This Global Compact aims to mitigate the adverse drivers and structural factors that hinder people from building and maintaining sustainable livelihoods in their countries of origin, and so compel them to seek a future elsewhere. It intends to reduce the risks and vulnerabilities migrants face at different stages of migration by respecting, protecting and fulfilling their human rights and providing them with care and assistance. […] It strives to create conducive conditions that enable all migrants to enrich our societies through their human, economic and social capacities, and thus facilitate their contributions to sustainable development at the local, national, regional and global levels.

Unity of purpose

[…] Our success rests on the mutual trust, determination and solidarity of States to fulfil the objectives and commitments contained in this Global Compact. We unite, in a spirit of win-win cooperation, to address the challenges and opportunities of migration in all its dimensions through shared responsibility and innovative solutions. It is with this sense of common purpose that we take this historic step, fully aware that the Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration is a milestone, but not the end to our efforts. […]
We agree that this Global Compact is based on a set of cross-cutting and interdependent guiding principles:
[…] The Global Compact is a non-legally binding cooperative framework that recognizes that no State can address migration on its own because of the inherently transnational nature of the phenomenon. […]. The Global Compact reaffirms the sovereign right of States to determine their national migration policy and their prerogative to govern migration within their jurisdiction, in conformity with international law. Within their sovereign jurisdiction, States may distinguish between regular and irregular migration status, including as they determine their legislative and policy measures for the implementation of the Global Compact, taking into account different national realities, policies, priorities and requirements for entry, residence and work, in accordance with international law; […]
The Global Compact aims to leverage the potential of migration for the achievement of all Sustainable Development Goals, as well as the impact this achievement will have on migration in the future; […]
By implementing the Global Compact, we ensure effective respect for and protection and fulfilment of the human rights of all migrants, regardless of their migration status, across all stages of the migration cycle. We also reaffirm the commitment to eliminate all forms of discrimination, including racism, xenophobia and intolerance, against migrants and their families; […]

Objectives for safe, orderly and regular migration

  • […] Minimize the adverse drivers and structural factors that compel people to leave their country of origin […]
  • Ensure that all migrants have proof of legal identity and adequate documentation […]
  • Facilitate fair and ethical recruitment and safeguard conditions that ensure decent work
  • Address and reduce vulnerabilities in migration […]
  • Strengthen certainty and predictability in migration procedures for appropriate screening, assessment and referral […]
  • Enhance consular protection, assistance and cooperation throughout the migration cycle
  • Provide access to basic services for migrants
  • Empower migrants and societies to realize full inclusion and social cohesion
  • Eliminate all forms of discrimination and promote evidence-based public discourse to shape perceptions of migration […]

We commit to eliminate all forms of discrimination, condemn and counter expressions, acts and manifestations of racism, racial discrimination, violence, xenophobia and related intolerance against all migrants in conformity with international human rights law. We further commit to promote an open and evidence-based public discourse on migration and migrants in partnership with all parts of society, that generates a more realistic, humane and constructive perception in this regard. We also commit to protect freedom of expression in accordance with international law, recognizing that an open and free debate contributes to a comprehensive understanding of all aspects of migration.
To realise this commitment, we will draw from the following actions:
a)     Enact, implement or maintain legislation that penalizes hate crimes and aggravated hate crimes targeting migrants, and train law enforcement and other public officials to identify, prevent and respond to such crimes and other acts of violence that target migrants, as well as to provide medical, legal and psychosocial assistance for victims;
b)    Empower migrants and communities to denounce any acts of incitement to violence directed towards migrants by informing them of available mechanisms for redress, and ensure that those who actively participate in the commission of a hate crime targeting migrants are held accountable, in accordance with national legislation, while upholding international human rights law, in particular the right to freedom of expression;
c)    Promote independent, objective and quality reporting of media outlets, including Internet-based information, including by sensitizing and educating media professionals on migration-related issues and terminology, investing in ethical reporting standards and advertising, and stopping allocation of public funding or material support to media outlets that systematically promote intolerance, xenophobia, racism and other forms of discrimination towards migrants, in full respect for the freedom of the media;
e)     Provide migrants, especially migrant women, with access to national and regional complaint and redress mechanisms with a view to promoting accountability and addressing governmental actions related to discriminatory acts and manifestations carried out against migrants and their families;
f)    Promote awareness-raising campaigns targeted at communities of origin, transit and destination in order to inform public perceptions regarding the positive contributions of safe, orderly and regular migration, based on evidence and facts, and to end racism, xenophobia and stigmatization against all migrants;
g)    Engage migrants, political, religious and community leaders, as well as educators and service providers, to detect and prevent incidences of intolerance, racism, xenophobia and other forms of discrimination against migrants and diasporas, and support activities in local communities to promote mutual respect, including in the context of electoral campaigns. […]

Follow-up and review

We encourage all Member States to develop, as soon as practicable, ambitious national responses for the implementation of the Global Compact, and to conduct regular and inclusive reviews of progress at the national level, such as through the voluntary elaboration and use of a national implementation plan. Such reviews should draw on contributions from all relevant stakeholders, as well as parliaments and local authorities, and serve to effectively inform the participation of Member States in the International Migration Review Forum and other relevant forums. […]”

Source: <link https: undocs.org a conf.231 external-link seite:>undocs.org/A/CONF.231/3 as of 30 July 2018

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