North Stream 2 – USA declare economic war on Germany

E.H. The House of Representatives and the Senate of the USA as well as its President have decided on sanctions against the companies and persons involved in the construction of the natural gas pipeline through the Baltic Sea, North Stream 2. They have threatened to expel them from the financial systemand punish them with entry bans, to order boycotts and to seize their accounts, if they do not stop construction immediately. So that is what they did.
But sanctions against these companies are also a strike at the two nations which, as suppliers and customers of the gas pipeline, are its actual builders and operators: Russia and Germany. After all, the gas supply should bring energy security to one of the world’s largest export nations and thus compensate for the energy shortage caused by the hasty withdrawal from nuclear energy and coal in Germany.
Preventing this was one of the reasons why the USA not only forced a halt to the construction work, but also wanted to prevent the gas pipeline being completed and used in the long term:

  • They want to prevent the supply of cheap Russian gas to get rid of their much more expensive fracking gas in Germany and Europe.
  • They also want to prevent Russia from using its gas revenues to strengthen its economy.
  • To do this, they want Russian gas supplies to continue to be burdened with Ukrainian and Polish transit fees and harassment and therefore remain unsafe for the recipient, Germany.
  • And finally, they want to make their export competitor Germany uncompetitive by forcing up its energy costs, which are already the highest overall.•    

(Translation Current Concerns)

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