On 16 March 2020, Federal President Simonetta Sommaruga opened the Federal Council‘s media conference to explain the “extraordinary situation“ to the Federal Council.
“The Federal Council decided today to declare the situation as an extraordinary situation. The regulation applies from midnight and initially runs until 19 April. This means that we have uniform rules throughout Switzerland. Clear, comprehensible and uniform measures, that is what the population needs now. And the Federal Council says it very clearly: Now, we also need the population to abide by these measures. And that means the entire population, each and every one of us. Ladies and gentlemen, why is that so important? Because we have to slow down the spread of the virus. So that there is still enough space in the hospitals to care for the seriously ill. It is in the interest of all of us, young and old. If too many people fall ill with the corona virus at once in the next few days and some of them are admitted to hospital, there will be a bottleneck. Then even the motorbike driver who has had an accident can no longer be admitted. Then the child with cancer can no longer be cared for, the heart surgery can no longer be carried out and the brain tumor can no longer be removed. Ladies and gentlemen, that is the reason why we have to do everything we can to slow down the increase of corona virus affections now, really now, immediately. It is possible and it serves all of us, the whole population. But it is only possible if we now strictly adhere to all of these measures. Now a jolt has to go through our country. Maintenant, une réaction forte s‘impose, en tout le pays. Adesso dobbiamo darci tutti una mossa in tutto il paese. Uossa stu mincha persuna far ün sforz. A jolt means that we have to prevent infections. Specifically, this means that the Jass group can no longer hold their Jass evening in the restaurant and that the organised hike or hiking excursion will no longer taking place. Yes, it is not easy. Many find it difficult. But there are ways so that we can be close to each other during these days and still keep our distance. Ladies and gentlemen, this is an appeal by the Federal Council to the entire population. Take these measures – keeping your distance, hygiene measures – take these measures seriously! But what we also say to the entire population and do say emphatically: We will not leave you alone. We take care of you. Together with the cantons, we will do everything to ensure that seriously ill people in our country continue to be cared for, operated, looked after and, whenever possible, cured. We also care about the economy, about jobs, about all those who are affected by these measures at the core of their existence. The 10 billion that the Federal Council has already spoken of should be understood as emergency aid. The Federal Council knows that even more funds will be needed. The Federal Council also expects the banks to make a contribution so that the liquidity of SMEs and the economy is preserved. The Federal Council also closely exchanges with neighbouring countries and also with the European Union.
On behalf of the Federal Council, I would like to thank everyone from the bottom of my heart who, in this crisis, in this extraordinary situation, is helping to ensure that the need for contact and closeness can be lived by all of us despite these distance measures. There are so many creative and wonderful initiatives by young people, by children, by the elderly, to support each other in this situation. This crisis needs everyone, every single one of us. Now it needs a jolt, then we can overcome the crisis together. Cette crise nous sollicite tous, sans exception. Il faut une réaction forte dans tout le pays, et il la faut maintenant. C’est le seul moyen de parvenir à surmonter cette crise. Quista crisa dovra tuots. Nus stuvain far ün sforz. Bisogna avere il sostegno di tutti per affrontare questa crisi. Dobbiamo davvero darci una mossa. Se uniamo le forze possiamo soperare questo momento difficile. Grazie.Thank you.“
Source: www.admin.ch on 16 March 2020
(Translation Current Concerns)
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