Letter to the Editor

Appeal to all in Europe willing to survive

The declaration by the four ‘neutral’ states – Ireland, Malta, Austria and Switzerland – to seek security in NATO is not only evidence of a profound ignorance of the real situation, but also of the fact that the deception by the controlled media is successful. With regard to the latter, decision-makers are strongly advised to read the book ‘Journalists for Hire: How the CIA Buys the News Next Revelation’ (2017) by Udo Ulfkotte, German journalist and author, and listen to the interview he gave shortly before his death in 2017, which is in need of clarification.
  The centrally controlled media paint the threat from Russia on the wall. This enables the US war industry to survive. In addition, at 35 trillion (that’s million x million!), the US dollar is only backed by the military. It is not only the disclosure by Udo Ulfkotte that should open our eyes. The two books by Thomas P. M. Barnett, ‘The Pentagon’s New Map’ (2004) and ‘Blueprint for Action’ from 2005(!) also clearly state that the US war industry had to build up a new enemy after the fall of the Iron Curtain in order to continue to be financed. This strategy has worked, and we are defending ourselves against an enemy that in reality is not one and does not want to be one.
  The Russians, who are now cornered, have no desire to expand, as they have enough problems in their own large country. But if we drive them to despair (Do not drive them to dispair! says an old English warning), they will be ready for a liberation strike. And that means world war on our soil and the suffering and death of our fellow human beings! In addition, the US-NATO strategy is highly unwise. They want to weaken Russia through a war of attrition in which they sell weapons and do not deploy their own soldiers (proxy war) in order to be stronger against their future main adversary China (see statement by General Keith Kellogg to the Congressional Strategic Subcommittee: “Eliminating a strategic adversary without deploying US troops is the height of professionalism. So we can focus on what we should be doing against our primary adversary, which right now is China”).
  Knowledge should also be borrowed from the Russia expert Prof Dr Gabriele Krone-Schmalz (‘Russland verstehen’ – Understanding Russia) and Hugo Portisch (‘Russland und Wir’ – Russia and ourselves). The rapprochement to NATO means that, in the eyes of the Russians, we are rightly enemy states that will become combat zones in the event of war. It should be borne in mind that the only area in which the Russians have the upper hand is nuclear weapons … Immanuel Kant’s ‘Dare to think’ (sapere aude!) should be the guiding principle and stop the lemmings’ march into the abyss.
  In addition, a note on Sky Shield: The expensive long-range missiles are not a weapon of defence, but an instrument of attack. Their installation means escalation instead of pacification, especially as the USA legitimises preventive operations (attack on suspicion).

Heinz Wohlmeyer, Lilienfeld (AT),
who had to live through the Second World War and
therefore also knows the Russians

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