Around 4 April 2024, the day on which NATO turned 75 years old, there were many analyses and commentaries on the past and present of this US-led military alliance. NATO apologists have sung its praises: NATO had a history of success and was still indispensable for the defence of the free world. In detail, however, there are also lamentations: what will happen to NATO if Donald Trump becomes the next US president? What is still missing so that the NATO states can stand up to the enemies of freedom in the coming years?
But the critics didn’t mince their words either. On 8 April, a new book was published from a critical perspective: “Die NATO. Eine Abrechnung mit dem Wertebündnis” (NATO. A reckoning with the alliance of values) is the title, Sevim Dagdelen, former member of the parliamentary group “Die Linke” in the German Bundestag, now in the “Sarah Wagenknecht Alliance” (BSW), is the author.
However, it must be added: Apologists and critics do not meet at eye level. In the mainstream of the NATO states, almost only the apologists have their say, the critics are – and actually always have been – marginalised and dependent on smaller media, which are also threatened by coercive state measures. And there is certainly no dialogue between the apologists and the critics. Nor will there be such a dialogue in the foreseeable future. The NATO states are engaged in a propaganda war that is being waged no less fiercely and relentlessly than the actual war. Interest-driven myths are gaining the upper hand, and historical and political analyses trying to be closer to the truth are currently not in demand.
At first, I didn’t want to write anything about 75 years of NATO. That only changed when I read an article by Dagmar Henn on rt deutsch on 1 April. After reading it, I asked myself again how “free” we really are if this author and this medium are taboo throughout the EU. A few days later, I had to read what NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg said about Ukraine at the “anniversary” meeting of the foreign ministers of the NATO states in Brussels on 4 April. I couldn’t bear it any longer.
What did Dagmar Henn write? Eloquently she referred to the fact that the governments of Ukraine and Russia had largely agreed on a treaty to end the war at the end of March 2022, but Western governments vetoed it and put pressure on the Ukrainian government to continue the war – NATO’s proxy war against Russia – primarily with people from Ukraine and weapons from the NATO states. For this, not only did Russian war crimes have to be invented in Bucha, but since the end of March 2022, hundreds of thousands of Ukrainians and Russians have lost their lives.
On the “anniversary”, Jens Stoltenberg said that NATO must take more leadership in the Ukraine war in future. This could not be left to the individual member states. He was willing to continue supplying Ukraine with massive amounts of NATO armaments in the coming years and to continue the war with active NATO participation (but so far officially without NATO soldiers) in any case and until victory. More NATO involvement in the war, according to Stoltenberg’s rhetorical formula, would bring the Russians to their knees much more quickly. Press representatives had learnt of additional expenditure amounting to 100 billion dollars for the coming years. Stoltenberg avoided to give concrete figures, referring to the meeting of the heads of state and government in July.
So, Dagmar Henn has explained how many victims the refusal of the NATO states to end the war quickly has cost so far. And Jens Stoltenberg has explained why he wants to escalate the war further – with even more casualties. But war “to the last Ukrainian”? Stoltenberg’s myth: Only an escalation of the war can end the war more quickly.
NATO myths
The official NATO “historiography” is full of myths.
A few examples:
Sapere aude!
All these myths can be refuted with an unbiased view and with an eye to the political and historical facts and contexts, and have already been thoroughly refuted, also in this newspaper. But these refutations find almost no access to the mainstream media in the NATO states – instead, the myths are cultivated and nurtured and regurgitated daily in the most diverse forms – mostly accompanied by unverifiable horror stories about the “others”.
More than 200 years ago, Immanuel Kant wrote: “Sapere aude! Have courage to use your own reason!”. This appeal has lost none of its topicality. Resolute opposition is necessary when the basis of constructive human coexistence, namely honesty in our dealings with one another, good faith in public life, is in danger of getting lost entirely. Today, when the citizens of the NATO states are once again being driven into a major war with a potential for escalation that threatens humanity, it has become vital to debunk the dangerous NATO myths and get to the bottom of things. •
by Manlio Dinucci, Italy
When NATO gathered in Brussels to celebrate its 75th anniversary and established further military aid to Ukraine, Kyiv is struggling to support the war effort against Russia. It is therefore increasingly resorting to terrorist attacks within Russia.
The Russian Federal Security Service (FSB) has arrested a group of terrorists transporting high explosives to be delivered to a final destination in Moscow. On board their commercial vehicle – it was intercepted at the Ubylinka checkpoint on the Russian-Latvian border in the Pskov region (western Russia) – among others, a load of 27 Ukrainian-made Orthodox icons containing high explosives was discovered. These and other explosive devices were on board a vehicle that had crossed six NATO countries: Romania, Hungary, Slovakia, Poland, Lithuania, and Latvia on its way from Ukraine to Russia. The plan was obvious: once in Russia, Orthodox icons would be purchased by churches, parishes, and families of believers. After a certain time, the icons would be detonated with remote controls to cause the greatest number of victims during a religious holiday in which the faithful gather in churches and families.
At the same time, the investigation into the terrorist attack on 3 April in Moscow is continuing, it has so far caused 144 deaths, a number that may increase as over 500 were injured. The decision to attack concertgoers is part of the terrorist plan aimed at targeting the Russian civilian population to cause chaos and distrust toward the Government. According to the plan, the massacre of the concert spectators was to be followed by the killings of the Orthodox faithful with the explosive icons.
It should not be a surprise that ISIS militant executors for these terrorist actions are used. The political-media mainstream tries to erase the fact that for years Kyiv has been collaborating with this terrorist movement financed and armed by the United States and NATO initially to demolish Syria from inside. Two articles from the same mainstream testify to it. On 10 July 2015, reporting an investigation by the “New York Times”, the Italian daily newspaper “Il Giornale” ran this headline: “ISIS troops alongside Ukraine against Russian separatists”. On 21 November 2019, the British newspaper “The Independent” ran this headline: “How Ukraine became the unlikely home of ISIS leaders fleeing the Caliphate.”
The terrorist plan is part of the strategy of NATO in which ISIS militants are also used, in 75 years NATO has moved from the Cold War to the post-Cold War wars, and with the 2014 coup in Ukraine to open war against Russia. •
cc. The following open letter dated 9 April 2024 was signed by members of the district council of almost all parties in the district of Uckermark (state of Brandenburg, north eastern Germany). The exception was the members of Bündnis 90/Die Grünen. In Germany, a district is the regional political unit above the cities and municipalities.
Dear Federal Chancellor Olaf Scholz, Dear President of the Bundestag Bärbel Bas
We are contacting you in deep concern about a further escalation of the war and with the expectation that you will take responsibility for a peaceful solution instead of further arms deliveries.
We strongly condemn Russia’s invasion of Ukraine in violation of international law and the resulting war.
We stand in solidarity with the Ukrainian people, who have been suffering the catastrophic consequences of this war for two years now.
International law applies unreservedly to all states and people. Arms deliveries do not solve conflicts and are not morally justifiable, especially in view of German history. We are therefore opposed to attempts to resolve conflicts by military means. We demand a return to Germany’s refusal to supply weapons to war and crisis zones.
Germany should leave no stone unturned to initiate diplomatic solutions for an end to war and to promote peaceful coexistence between peoples.
With great sorrow, we are observing the expansion of the arms industry and the increasing and seemingly thoughtless use of war rhetoric in public. Instead of military support, Germany should do everything in its power to provide Ukraine with all the humanitarian aid it can.
War only knows losers. Instead of the dominance of the military, we need the language of diplomacy and peace.
Following the preamble of the Basic Law of the Federal Republic of Germany, we, the signatories of this letter, are aware of our responsibility and see the Uckermark firmly anchored in a united Europe, animated by the will to serve peace.
With kind regards
Christian Bork, Heike Heise-Heiland, Anne-Frieda Reinke, Andreas Büttner, Jens Koeppen, Achim Rensch, Knut Büttner-Janner, Mirko Koschel, Siegfried Schön, Frank Düpre, Walter Kotzian, Tobias Schween, Harald Engler, Axel Krumrey, Walter Seehagen, Burkhard Fleischmann, Dietmar Meier, Dr. Wolfgang Seyfried, Dr. Alexander Genschow, Josef Menke, Günter Tattenberg, Hannes Gnauck, Andreas Meyer, David Weide, Monty Gutzmann, Thomas Neumann, Evelin Wenzel, Torsten Hagenow, Gerd Regler, Christine Wernicke, Wolfgang Banditt (District Council Chairman), Karina Dörk (District Administrator)
Source: District Administration of Uckermark;
of 9 April 2024
Note: The open letter was initially published on the official homepage of the Uckermark district administration, but then had to be removed due to pressure from the media (e.g. Der Spiegel). You can find it on
(Translation Current Concerns)
“In the early summer of 1988, the working group defence of the CDU/CSU parliamentary group flew to Washington for a working visit. [...] The group went directly to the CIA headquarters in Langley. We listened in amazement to the explanations there, focussed on a completely new American policy towards the Soviet Union: We should break away [...] from what we had heard for decades about military potentials and strategies in the conflict between East and West in Europe. The results of a study on this topic were clear: the Soviet Union was pursuing purely defensive intentions.”
Willy Wimmer,
1988-1992 State Secretary in the German Ministry of Defence,
in his 2016 book "Die Akte Moskau" (The Moscow File), p 11f.
(Translation Current Concerns)
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