cc. Such diverse media as the “Neue Zürcher Zeitung” and Sputnik agree on one point: the founding of a Kurdish state in northern Syria and Iraq is associated with geo-strategical issues. On 23 September, the “Neue Zürcher Zeitung” wrote: “Only one state has so far openly taken the side of the Kurds: Israel. An independent Kurdistan, so the calculation, could help to contain the growing influence of Tehran in the region. Both states, Israel and Kurdistan, are surrounded by hostile states and share a history of centuries of persecution and statelessness. On 13 September, Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu spoke out, declaring: ‘Israel supports the legitimate efforts of the Kurdish people to establish their own state’. He’s being celebrated in northern Iraq”. An Iraqi security expert, Ahmed al Sharafi, was quoted at Sputnik on 22 September: “[Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin] Netanyahu has been talking about the necessity to build an oil pipeline from Kirkuk and Mosul [both in Iraq] via Syrian territory to the Mediterranean Sea since 2005, so that Israel would have a reliable source of energy”. And further: “The foundation of the Da’esh [Islamic State/IS] had the goal of overthrowing the regimes in Iraq and Syria and establishing pro-American governments in these countries. This is an advantage for Israel as an ally of the United States. This [the regime change] would also allow Israel to bring oil and water sources under its control. Israel would then have loyal neighbours – from the Persian Gulf to the Mediterranean. But the persistence of the Syrians made these plans fail. Therefore, they now rely on the implementation of the ‘Kurdish project’ to divide Syria and Iraq”. Sputnik scontinues: “According to Haim Hassun, the Syrian brigadier general, the Syrian army has already begun to avert the threat posed by the Kurds on Syria’s territory”. •
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