Dear Reader
Zeit-Fragen is a cooperative, which publishes an ideologically, politically and financially independent weekly newspaper as well as books. The newspaper presents backgrounds and contexts that are important to the cooperative in order to contribute to a better understanding of current events in politics, business, society and culture. Zeit-Fragen represents values that serve the well-being of the individual and the peaceful coexistence of people. It rejects manipulation and propaganda of any kind.
Zeit-Fragen serves as a supplement to other newspapers and magazines and not as a competitor. It offers a platform to discuss current events as well as longer-term developments and ethical aspects. Zeit-Fragen is particularly committed to peace policy, peace education, education, the promotion and development of direct democracy and federalist solutions and is supportive of all constructive approaches in these areas. Zeit-Fragen is also committed to humane and social forms of economy as an alternative to neoliberal globalisation.
Zeit-Fragen has been published since 1993, initially monthly and since 2000 as a weekly newspaper. Through prudent development Zeit-Fragen has been able to establish itself in a difficult environment for independent newspapers. By popular demand from English- and French-speaking authors and readers, a French (Horizons et dêbats) and an English (Current Concerns) edition have also been published for several years. In consideration of the Italian speaking population of Switzerland, an Italian edition (Discorso Libero) is published four times a year.
The various language editions as well as the publishing house are supported by the cooperative Zeit-Fragen. The legal form of the cooperative was deliberately chosen: The cooperative principles of self-determination, self-administration and self-responsibility enable equal cooperation between all participants. The fact that Zeit-Fragen has been published regularly for over 25 years and is self-financed proves that it is still possible to publish a high-quality current affairs newspaper on a voluntary basis. In order to remain independent, Zeit-Fragen deliberately refrains from commercial advertising and is not supported by financial sponsors. All activities are financed through subscriptions.
The cooperative invites you, dear reader, to get to know Zeit-Fragen better.
Urs Graf, President, Cooperative Zeit-Fragen
With the newspaper Zeit-Fragen the cooperative has created the opportunity and the freedom to discuss all aspects and questions that are deemed important regardless of financial or party-political considerations. The welfare of the individual and the common good serve as our yardstick.
Fundamental values such as human dignity, human rights and the international legal and humanitarian rules, the principles of the rule of law and democratic forms of policy that humanity has achieved so far, form the prerequisite for living together in freedom and dignity. We want to repeatedly call on all these values in the sense of a comprehensive peace policy and stand up for their affirmation and observance.
We see direct democracy as a positive expression of a civil society in which the individual, as a mature human being, is responsible and directly involved in the shaping of coexistence and the common good. Democracy, and especially direct democracy, offers the individual and the community excellent opportunities for civil and humane conflict solutions in a federalist state system, so that these conflicts do not have to resort to violent resolutions.
Tendencies that question, endanger or even threaten to ruin these fundamental values are addressed critically. These include, for example, economic developments which, under the catchword "globalization" or neoliberal market economy - in the name of profit maximization - undermine for many countries the prospect of economic development and humane living conditions; all too often such tendencies also include a massive attack on democracy and state sovereignty and thus on the right of self-determination of peoples. This also includes war, war preparation and war propaganda, which are always accompanied by the restriction of civil rights.
We are also pleased to publish informative and positive contributions, in other fields such as economy, culture, pedagogy and parenting.
Erika Vögeli, Editor-in-Chief
Current Concerns, the English edition of Zeit-Fragen, is also published fortnightly with the same content as Zeit-Fragen, but one week later - this is due to the extensive translation work required because of the multilingualism of our publications. Since 2011, Current Concerns is published exclusively in electronic form as PDF.
Readers from different parts of the world express how valuable the independent information and careful background analysis as well as the contributions of authors from other countries and regions of the world are for them.
Current Concerns and the French edition Horizons et débats are also widely read by international organizations and institutions in Geneva. Despite sometimes great historical, cultural and social differences, the questions and problems facing people all over the world also show clear parallels and common backgrounds. Our multilingual publications build bridges between people, countries and continents.
Dr. Eva-Maria Föllmer-Müller, Chief Editor
Announcement from the Editor
Dear readers of Discorso libero
The editor-in-chief Rico Calcagnini of our newspaper Discorso libero of the Zeit-Fragen cooperative has resigned at the end of 2020. For 20 years he guided the fortunes of our Italian-language newspaper and now, at the age of 75, he has decided to reduce his activities.
Unfortunately, due to the lack of a suitable successor, we have to inform you that Discorso libero can no longer be published.
We would like to take this opportunity to thank Rico Calcagnini for his great commitment to the Zeit-Fragen cooperative.
Yours sincerely
On behalf of the Zeit-Fragen Cooperative:
Urs Graf, President
Zeit-Fragen nimmt erfrischend klar Stellung zu einzelnen Sachverhalten. Gerne abonniere ich Zeit-Fragen, damit ich mir eine eigene Meinung bilden kann.
J. O., Wallisellen, CH
Die letzte August-Ausgabe hat mich «Patenschaft geniessenden ZF-Leser» so begeistert, dass ich Ihnen diese Zeilen schreiben muss. […] Sie sehen, wie hoch ich Ihre Wochenzeitung schätze und wie ermutigend es ist, auch in der Schweiz auf ähnliche Weise denkende Intellektuelle zu finden und an ihrem Gedankenschatz teilnehmen zu können.
S. J., Prag, CS
Je vous remercie très vivement pour l’envoi des numéros de votre journal. J’ai été enthousiasmé par cette lecture de A jusqu’à Z. La qualité, la clairvoyance et le style des articles me plaisent tout à fait. Pour recevoir à l’avenir les numéros qui paraîtront, je vous adresse la somme que vous m’avez indiquée.
Dr J. T., Tours, FR
Herzlichen Dank auch für die sehr wertvolle, wichtige und gute Arbeit, die Sie mit Ihrer Wochenzeitung immer wieder leisten – ein Lichtblick in dunklen Zeiten!
S. J., Winterthur, CH
Thank you for sending me the Current Concerns «Special Issue». I have distributed it to the entire Church Council members of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Namibia (ELCIN) [of which I am also a member] during their Council session at Oniipa, Ondangwa. They have also briefly discussed about the issue at stake. I have also given some colleagues the rest of the copies. I hope some of them will react to the call for the UN to remember its world obligation. Once again, thank you and best regards from Namibia.
Dr. N., Ondangwa, Namibia
Ich schätze Ihre Zeitung sehr hoch. Sie ist für meine Arbeit sehr aufschlussreich und notwendig. Früher las ich sie von Zeit zu Zeit. Jetzt habe ich das Vergnügen, sie regelmässig zu lesen. Das ist eine grosse geistige Bereicherung. Um so mehr, als ich auf der politischen und ethischen Linie der Zeitung stehe.
Prof. Dr. D. W., M., RUS
Ich kam zwar nicht immer gleich zum Lesen, war ich aber dran, konnte ich nicht mehr aufhören! Das ist mir bei einer Zeitung bis jetzt noch nicht passiert.
Z. R., Seon, CH
Ich danke Ihnen für Ihre Arbeit und Ihre Öffentlichkeitsarbeit. Ihre Zeitung sollte 1 Million Exemplare Auflage haben.
G. K., Ermatingen, CH
I miei vivissimi complimenti e felicitazioni per la Vostra pubblicazione Discorso Libero i cui valori e principi condivido profondamente e che da sempre perseguo quotidianamente con il mio impegno personale, professionale e sociale. Principi come quelli di indipendenza, etica della responsabilità, diritti dell’uomo e dell’umanità. I miei più vervidi auguri a Voi tutti per un futuro pieno di soddisfazioni e per un mondo a dimensione dell’Uomo. Di un uomo nuovo: consapevole, responsabile, libero!
Prof. Dr. med. O. D.
Veuillez m’envoyer trois exemplaires de l’excellent dernier numéro d’Horizons et débats afin que je puisse les donner à trois de mes amis en les encourageant vivement à s’abonner à votre journal que je lis toujours avec grand plaisir.
J. L., Rolle, CH
Es freut mich sehr, dass es noch Medien gibt, die nicht stromlinienförmig berichten.
E. K., Felben-Wellhausen, CH
Je viens de découvrir votre site Web. Excellent et bravo. Je suis loin d’avoir terminé de parcourir toutes ces pages pleines d’information. J’ai cependant lu l’article en titre du professeur Hamer. C’est excellent. Veuillez lui transmettre mes remerciements et lui témoigner ma gratitude de même que mon admiration à l’égard de son courage, car il en faut pour devenir détracteur et pour publier en termes clairs, afin que l’information soit accessible à un large auditoire. Pas si incompréhensible que ça la haute finance et l’économie internationale quand on nous ne les enterre pas sous des formules mathématiques, des tableaux de statistiques et de tous ces théorèmes économiques. Encore merci!
Q. D., Ville de Québec, CA
Zu meinen schönen Erfahrungen zählt, dass ich in den letzten Jahren Ihre Zeitung kennenlernen und auch geniessen durfte. Sie haben sich im Gegensatz zu vielen Zeitungen nicht gescheut, auch politisch heisse Eisen anzupacken. Davon hat auch die Zeitung Nutzen gezogen, für die ich ehrenamtlich mitgearbeitet habe.
W. H., Hemer, DE
Die Zeitung gefällt mir ausserordentlich gut. Ich möchte sie daher zusätzlich zu dem bestehenden Abonnement von Current Concerns bestellen. Ich freue mich sehr, dass ich beide Zeitschriften gefunden habe. Ich möchte der Redaktion ganz herzlich gratulieren zu diesen beiden aussergewöhnlich anspruchsvollen Produkten.
Prof. Dr. B. K., H., DE
Names and addresses are known to the editors.
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