“The building industry can no longer satisfy the demand for new living space”, (“Die Welt” from 11 January 2018). Despite an increase in construction volume of 3 to 8% per year, the shortage of housing is increasing not only in larger cities but also in medium-sized towns, and even dramatically in the big cities – especially in Berlin.
The social policy makers call this market failure and call for massive state support programmes. Yet the cause is not market failure but state failure – the largest migration of peoples caused by Merkel and her social policy makers, who opened the borders into the world’s highest-bidding social system to all immigrants. What use are 350,000 new housing units if more than 700,000 immigrants are entitled to housing every year? And because these immigrants do not want to settle in the country, but in the big cities where their compatriots have already established themselves, that is where housing demand, housing shortages and therefore the price pressure on rents are eminently increasing – see Berlin. It is no wonder if needy locals or students no longer find “affordable housing” in Berlin, because the excess pressure of immigration pushes exactly into this market segment and changes our cities, makes them more colourful, more Muslim, more foreign language and more proletarian. The indisputable “lack of affordable housing” is not due to the real estate industry, nor to the lack of a market, but to the mass immigration promoted by false philanthropists and approved by the Grand Coalition.
Almost daily, the press also reports on “growing criminality” in Germany. A burglary takes place every three minutes; every hour there is an attack on a person. The international agencies fighting against crime complain that “Germany has become the European centre and country of rest for worldwide criminal organisations”, for the mafia, ‘Ndrangheta, triads, Romanian, Polish, Ukrainian and Albanian gangs of thieves; it has become the distribution centre for international narcotics trafficking, and petty crime has been increasing by leaps and bounds on our streets. Despite the increase in police forces, the crime rate is rising.
More and more criminals are moving in, because they are less checked in Germany than in other countries, and Germany also offers full benefits to them. Also, there are the best crime chances in a rich country. But instead of our policy taking the growing fear of the population about crime seriously, it allows, …
The EU and all the world organisations demand “more solidarity” from Germany, i.e. more redistribution payments, because Germany has not only growing export surpluses, but also a surge in public revenues. For example, Germany is to provide additional billions for a “Marshall Plan for Africa”, it is to subsidise countries such as Greece, Italy or Spain, and to finance France’s imminent insolvency by ceding its financial sovereignty to Europe (the financial union) and by means of the expanded ESM assistance fund. In addition, the millions of social guests moving in with us are to be subsidised like German welfare cases (Hartz IV) (2016 = + 700,000) and all social benefits are to be drastically increased, regardless of the facts that
The German population’s growing dissatisfaction with the economic yield of their work performance (the fact that it is practically no longer possible to acquire a dwelling by means of one’s own work effort) relates to the maximum burden on those who mainly generate German performance, and this in turn is due to the political distribution of our prosperity in the world. The alleged “solidarity” with the refugees – this also is eyewash, because 94% of the immigrants are not refugees at all – is only one part of this politically wanted exploitation of our people.
The above-mentioned examples can be continued, but they are only meant to document: The great difficulties of our population such as housing shortages, crime, lacking means to build savings, or high tax burden, are not natural, not market-related, but caused by government failures and manipulation. Our policy and not our system is to blame for our difficulties.
The decisions of the new grand coalition, however, show that the decisive flaws such as the German payments for Europe (financial union), the overloading of our social systems (mass immigration) and the excessive tax burden on our top-performance providers will not change with its policy of “keep it up”. Politics itself is too cowardly to name the causes of the problems, and it fears that it would be punished by its electoral majorities, should it even only name as such the devaluation, increase or exploitation of our social system, or the expansion of EU-Europe at the German expense.
So must we wait until the financial bubble bursts and thus the apparent prosperity is cut back to real prosperity, so that the fulfillment of the excessive demands of foreign countries, foreign organisations and foreign immigrants will be made impossible? •
* Prof Dr Eberhard Hamer is founder of the Middle Class Institute Hanover as well as author and publisher of numerous books, including “Was tun, wenn der Crash kommt? Wie sichere ich mein Vermögen oder Unternehmen?” (“What should we do when the crash comes? How do I secure my assets or business?”), 10th edition 2008, and “Visionen 2050. Wohin steuern wir? Trends und Prognosen für Deutschland und Europa”, 2016 (“Visions 2050. Where are we heading? Trends and Forecasts for Germany and Europe”).
(Translation Current Concerns)
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