gl. The “Zeitenwende” proclaimed by Chancellor Olaf Scholz, which is to up-arm Germany and finally! (finally, after more than 80 years, if one disregards the “smaller” war “excursions” since the mid-1990s) into a serious war leader again, still has to be brought home to the German people; for it is well known that a large majority of the population does not want to send weapons to Ukraine, but wants an end to the war as quickly as possible and in no case a war participation by Germany.
In addition to the massive media propaganda that hits every citizen on a daily, even hourly basis, this “Zeitenwende” is also to be brought into people’s minds at major events in German cities. “In unusual places, with entertaining (sic!) and interactive formats and prominent guests”, the aim is to “get people talking”.
The Munich Security Conference, which, not exactly modest, describes itself as “the world’s leading forum for foreign and security policy debates”, organises so-called “Townhall Events” at various locations. These events are sponsored by the Press and Information Office of the German Federal Government. They also receive “friendly support” by institutions such as the Deutsche Atlantische Gesellschaft (German Atlantic Association).
For example, the small town of Furth im Wald in the middle of the Bavarian Forest had the dubious honour of experiencing such a “Townhall Event”. Even though the interest was not overwhelming (of the 100 chairs, “some” even remained empty), the people who came were allowed to have the “Zeitenwende” explained to them by celebrities such as the chairman of the Munich Security Conference, Christoph Heusgen, as well as a CSU member of parliament and a historian of Eastern Europe. Andrij Melnyk, former Ukrainian ambassador and absolute agitator, was also hooked-up from Kiev.
The next stop of “Zeitenwende on Tour” will be Leipzig on 31 January. Whether the people of Leipzig will be enthusiastic about such a project remains to be seen. •
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