ds. The EU has been demanding a framework agreement with Switzerland for a long time to put bilateral relations on a new footing. Following the Swiss media coverage of the meeting between the Federal Council and the new President of the EU Commission in Davos, the submissive overtone in particular gives food for thought. Sometimes this gives the impression that it is the relationship of the big brother to a servant.
What the EU expects from Switzerland is being spread without criticism: From an EU perspective, Switzerland would have to submit to the same rules as the member states if it wanted to secure the existing market access (Neue Zürcher Zeitung from 21 January 2020).
Instead of indignation, anxious questions about the EU’s continued willingness to compromise and fears that it might lose patience with Switzerland. Now in Davos, Brussels has apparently conceded to make no further demands until the referendum on the “limitation initiative” on 17 May. But after the vote it would be up to Switzerland to move forward (Neue Zürcher Zeitung”from 24 January 2020). A horse-trade.
But one looks in vain for complaints in our media about the loss of democracy and sovereignty with such a treaty. •
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